The brief called for character designs that would be hip, sexy, fun and happy while reflecting the Pop Art Snacks brand inspiration of elevating the everyday into art. Design inspiration was from pop art, particularly the kind of comic art paintings produced by Roy Lichtenstein.
I wanted to make the characters contemporary, carrying the ethos into the present day. I found inspiration in the selfie - it seems to be just the kind of banal everyday mundane ubiquity that pop art would want to celebrate.
The brief requested that the Pop Art logo be incorporated into the artwork if possible, and I felt this could be done by having the characters wearing Pop Art merchandise. This kind of happy acceptance of crass consumerism also seemed very pop art to me.
I also tried to bring the old comic art-style forward in time a bit, giving the ink more of a look of technical pens or markers instead of the old quill and brush and using instagram-filtered colours.