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Book & magazine contests

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Showing 25,764 contests (Finished)
Showing 25,764 contests (Finished)
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
Women, 20-65, hunters, anywhere
Guaranteed Book cover
103 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Adults, male, female, primarily female, 25-55 years old, middle class to upper middle class, suburban living
Guaranteed Book cover
66 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Readers of all genders with a slight skew toward women and from diverse cultural backgrounds between the ages of 18-55.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
41 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
IT and cybersecurity professionals
Book cover
31 designs
Bronze package purchased for A$449
(including 99designs fees)
Women of all ages, but particularly those over 40+ who have started a healing journey. Anyone who has suffered any kind
Guaranteed Book cover
199 designs
Bronze package purchased for A$299
(including 99designs fees)
The target audience for the book is women in their mid-40s and older who are approaching, experiencing, or have gone thr
Guaranteed Book cover
18 designs
Bronze package purchased for £329
(including 99designs fees)
The target audience would primarily be male sci-fi fans aged 18 and upwards.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
140 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Parents, Teens, and Young Adults looking for financial knowledge
Guaranteed Book cover
108 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Diverse yet united by a common goal: These readers range from environmentalists to busy professionals, and parents eager
Guaranteed Book cover
32 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone looking to start or grow their affiliate marketing business. People wanting to start a side hustle, quit the 9-5
Guaranteed Book cover
91 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Dedicated and proactive: These readers are parents, primarily women, who are deeply committed to understanding and nurtu
Guaranteed Book cover
33 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
All genders 18-35 years old, ranging from high school graduates to college students and young professionals. They are co
Guaranteed Book cover
90 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Teenagers to adults, males or females, those near Lake Cumberland in Kentucky or other large lakes where houseboats are
Blind Book cover
9 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
My books appeal mostly to women over age 30, but men like them, too. They are written about a small valley in the northw
Book cover
29 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Book cover
98 designs
Gold package purchased for $529
(including 99designs fees)
Young adults of any gender from 18 years to late 20's. Someone who has graduated high school or college and is looking f
Gold Guaranteed Book cover
87 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Parents of kids of all ages. Mostly women.
Guaranteed Book cover
63 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Adults in rural or suburban areas who want to be their own cost-effective home.
Guaranteed Book cover
25 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Anyone serious about self-help who also likes yoga.
Guaranteed Book cover
38 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
29 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
women and men 40 years and older, adults who want to understand what someone with menopause is going through.
Guaranteed Book cover
37 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
individuals who are curious about the future of AI and how to practically use it to improve their lives.
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
87 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Adults in middle age pursuing somatic exercises are often looking for ways to enhance their physical wellness and mental
Guaranteed Book cover
32 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Book cover
104 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
12 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Kids ages 8-12, sports fans, and/or their parents who are sports fans. A book that parents and kids can enjoy together.
Guaranteed Book cover
23 designs
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
The target audience includes individuals seeking personal development, inner peace, and strategies for solitary contentm
Guaranteed Book cover
37 designs
Bronze package purchased for $299
(including 99designs fees)
Couple, Married couples, people in relationships
Guaranteed Book cover
103 designs
Bronze package purchased for $399
(including 99designs fees)
Bronze package purchased for $199
(including 99designs fees)
Somone looking to start an online business and work from anywhere in the world
Guaranteed Blind Book cover
20 designs